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New CEO to take over Boys and Girls Club


By: Carley Edwards

A familiar name will soon be leading the local chapter of Don Moyer Boys and Girls Club.

At the end of February, Amy Brown will become the new CEO and will oversee the Martens Center and the other two facilities. The Danville Native and Urbana resident is no stranger to leadership in this area. Previously, she was CEO of CRIS Healthy-Aging Center and has years of experience in social service programming for students. She says she will miss her old positions but feels that this is her calling.

Brown says that "I think everybody certainly has the common goal to make a safe space for the kids so that they can grow and develop in a in an atmosphere that's obviously safe for them socially, emotionally, physically, all the things that they need so they can just bloom, bloom, bloom."

Brown is excited to meet the kids, learn their interests and see what their needs are. She will work with the board to make their goals a reality when she takes over.

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